New Tunes: Shankar, Garbage, The National

I got some new music this week, and Anoushka Shankar's "Red Sun" is a favorite of mine.

Spousal Unit heard a piece about her on NPR a few weeks ago; she's the daughter of famous sitarist Ravi Shankar, and this piece is on her CD Rise. But her new CD, Traveller, features a blend of Indian and flamenco music. This live video of the title track features some gorgeous Indian dance, too.

Another new song I got was Garbage's "Bleed Like Me." Nothing like Garbage to make you feel that your weirdness isn't that weird after all - plus, the melody is very catchy. (If you know Garbage, you know without my saying that this song is full of potential triggers. It's beautiful, but listen with caution.)

Last was a new-ish song by The National: "Exile, Vilify." I love the duality of the song, and how it changes when the word 'vilify' is first used. Two halves of the same whole.

This video features a sock puppet. At first, it's hilarious and a little creepy, but the sock dude really fits with the song's theme: he looks so abandoned.


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