Getting Our Move On

Spousal Unit and I have found a new place to live, and we're moving in a month and a half!

This may confuse some of you, as we are in a place already, and we are living there right now. I can see how that might be a head-scratcher. But our lease is up at the end of October on our current place, and we've decided to move out of one 'burb and into another.

It's not necessarily a better small town, and we're going to miss the one we're in now. Over the past year, we've found favorite restaurants, discovered great places for walks and runs, delved into a great library, and reveled in the joy of a full wall of windows.

Think they're awesome now? You should see it on a sunny day.

On the other hand, we've discovered a drunk in our hallway, been surprised by the car next to ours with four slashed tires, kept the windows closed all summer because of highway traffic, and had to commute a half hour or more to work.

The commute will be cut in half for Spousal Unit; mine will be a bit hairy for a while, but it'll improve when I find a new free place to park. The new area is nowhere near a highway, has a lower crime rate, a gorgeous neighborhood all around us, and my favorite yarn shop is in walking distance. (I foresee trouble with that one.)

The problem with all of this? Well, we're moving in a month and a half, and nothing is packed yet. And remember how I was last time we moved? How about the time before that?

My sanity is getting tired of all these dark, scary boxes. And there's another one sneaking up behind me.

I have a tendency, once something is about to change, to become totally enamored of my current situation - even if it's less than lovely. Right now, that drunk in the hallway seems like a funny, comforting story, letting me know that I'm home. (I'm not that crazy; I also recognize it's highly dangerous. But dammit, it's comforting too.)

Right now, this place is lovely as can be. I'm going to miss our beautiful windows, the uneven floor, the 2'x2' porch we share with a neighbor, and the background drone of high-speed automobiles 24 hours a day.

Hopefully, once we're in the new place, I'll get over that pretty quickly.


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