The Beatles' Help! Scarf

Remember when I posted about making Beatles-themed crafts after seeing Cirque du Soleil's performance of Love? I've finished the first one. Here's a refresher of the original Help! scarf.

And here's my version: a massive thing that I gave my sister for her birthday.

In these shots, it's wrapped around her neck twice. I didn't measure the beast before I sent it to its new home, but it's probably about 8 feet long.

Made with Caron yarn on size 8 needles, this tube scarf was 40 stitches in the round. Each block of color is 20 rows. The only tricky parts are getting a smooth transition between colors and what to do with the yarn ends inside the tube, but they are easy problems to solve.

When you transitioning, knit a normal row with the new color, then pull tight the last stitch of the previous color. That last stitch shouldn't disappear entirely, but it will be close, and your problem will be solved. Then, because this scarf features white yarn and you can totally see the red tails through it, avoid leaving them hanging by tying them loosely together behind the red blocks - bottom tail tied to the top tail. Be sure to leave enough slack so that you can block and stretch the scarf as desired. Then, cut off the excess.

The fringe is what holds the ends of the scarf closed. After tying it on, I knotted two sets of fringe together along the bottom.

Now all my sister needs is a funny hat.


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