Bad Romance: Featuring... Cats?

Nothing says lovin' like a cat. Which is why I wasn't at all surprised to find this.

Heart Mate by Robin D. Owens

Clearly, the cat with the emerald necklace is here to help this poor sucker out. What woman wouldn't fall for a guy with a walking stick, a heart-shaped necklace, and a cat? I mean, if he's got those first two but no cat, that's a deal breaker for me. You know what they say: the cat makes the man.

Her Last Fling by Jana Mercy

You know what this cover says? The publisher was clearly thinking, "I'm tired of conventional romance covers. None of them ever feature a plastic cow. Why not, I ask you?" Kudos to that guy if any of these books sold. Check out this site for awesome captions to this cover.

Let Me Come In by Linda Jones

Ah, a clever play on the three little pigs fairy tale here. Very nice - the man in the cover represents the hungry wolf. Except "let me come in" doesn't exactly scream fairy tale at you, leaving you with a dude surrounded by flowers and some tiny, live bacon bits. (Also, there's really nothing hotter than that.) Honestly, I don't care if he's a wolf or not - anyone shows up at my door with three little piglets, I'll squee and worry about the rest later.

I have to say, I'm glad I had a hard time finding crappy covers that featured animals. It makes me feel just marginally better about the romance industry. And speaking of bad romance... here is a video of way too many covers of that song. I like the whistling guy.


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