The Terrible, Horrible Day, the Cocktail Party, and the Christmas

I had a pretty terrible Friday. Almost immediately that morning, I lost all faith in humanity - I really hate starting my days like that. 

It began small, with a realization (while perusing Facebook) what a propensity mankind has toward selfishness and ignoring the plights of others, and everything snowballed from there. The lowest point was probably when I looked up the New York Times and found an incredibly inappropriate and graphic picture from the Empire State Building shooting. On top of all that, I was working all day, and dealing with the masses when already in a low place doesn't usually help bring you up.

Luckily, things really turned around over the weekend, despite my slaving away unpacking textbooks all weekend. (In a way, unpacking 35 boxes by myself on Saturday helped - noticeable progress was made, I interacted with relatively few customers, and I got a good workout.) 

When I came home from work on Saturday, Spousal Unit was all dressed up. We went to a cocktail party - hosted by us, attended by us. We poured ourselves drinks and played gin rummy all night, talking, talking, talking.

Spousal Unit also told me he'd been to the library and had found a copy of Elf, one of my favorite Christmas movies that, for some reason, we don't have. So on Sunday, after another satisfying work day unpacking boxes, we had Christmas in August. Though the only things that made it Christmas-y were the movie and the music we listened to, it was a spectacularly joyful evening.

The hot chocolate in Christmas wine glasses helped, too.

The common denominator in my weekend going from Suckfest to Christmas was Spousal Unit. I do like that boy.


  1. AND that is what it's all about. The simple things in life. Life really is too short, so make the best of it. Be creative. You and J were. Dressing up for your own cocktail party and playing cards and talking, and talking and talking. How perfect. Love you both.


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