A Frigid New Month

Happy May! We've had some lovely weather this weekend.

Yes, that is snow. It snowed yesterday, May 1. But let me back up a bit so you can see the whole picture.

Friday was rather blustery, one of those "blowing cats around corners" days. The cats don't appreciate it, and neither do the people. Dust crawls in through every crack (especially when there's been no precipitation for three months). The internet goes out - I swear, when it's windy here, the internet goes down. No one wants to go anywhere for fear of being blown over. And I am always more grateful for my eyelashes (which I only discovered, when I came out here, serve more of a purpose than making my eyes look bigger).

Saturday was gorgeous. In Las Cruces.

Spousal Unit went down there to receive an award, and it was 90 degrees there. On the trip down, his adviser had to exchange his van for a rental car because the wind was so terrible.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I set up my little table for the craft fair in which I was partaking. In the shade. With a windchill that made it feel like 40 degrees. On April 30, in my sweater with a blanket wrapped around me, I was almost literally frozen. When I finally stood up, my legs were numb from the cold.

Luckily, friends saw me shivering in the corner and helped me move into the sun, then watched my table while I ran inside. I put on knee-high socks, boots, and thick pants under my skirt, plus I got a much thicker blanket. Then I went and sat in the sun for a couple of hours (still cold, but not as bad) until I decided to pack it in.

As I relaxed inside with a beer, I realized my face felt much warmer than it should after only half a beer. I hadn't been drinking it quickly, either. Inspection revealed that I had gotten sunburned, while sitting there wrapped in a blanket and sweater with boots and knee-high socks on. My nose, cheeks, and chin were burned, plus my wrists, hands, and first joints of my fingers (because I was crocheting as I sat there). I burned so badly in the cold that my nose has actually blistered.

That night, it snowed.

Spousal Unit took this picture when he got home at 2 a.m. The blur in the upper left is a single snowflake.

This isn't the first time I've seen it snow so late in the year. But it is the first time I've seen snow on May 1 in New Mexico.

The mountains got much more than we did, of course. It was nice to see their snowy caps once more before we move on out of here.

And we've finally had some precipitation. Maybe now my allergies will let up.

Wait, it's spring. Maybe not.


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