Giveaway Numbero Dieux

Hey. I said I'd do another giveaway in September, didn't I?

Yep. I did. But this scarf is much more appropriate for the current weather.

All man-made materials, this soft, 55-inch scarf is made with love, a crochet hook, and some fiery determination. To do what, I'm not sure. But hopefully some of that will rub off if you win it. It may look like it's full of holes - and actually, it is - but it's pretty warm if you wrap it around you twice.

Here's how this contest works: rather than picking a number, pick a country. The person who comes geographically closest to picking the country I have in mind will be the winner. If two people pick the same country, I will draw names out of a hat or some other round object. I've shared the country with Spousal Unit so that I can't cheat.

Happy guessing!


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