An Awesome Recap

Awesome things that have happened lately:

I finished my bamboo shawl. 

I love how the colors turned out – I was especially worried about the bind off, because I’d wanted to do it in all blue. Unfortunately, I ran out and had to resort to orange. But it ended up just fine that way.

I got a gorgeous, almost brand-new jacket for $3.62 while hanging out in Milwaukee. 

It’s exactly my style and exactly my size – the arms are even long enough, which is pretty unusual for me to find. It’s slightly padded, which means I’ll wear the hell out of it this fall. In the meantime, I’ve been prancing about in it at home, when the A/C is on, and being giddy over the cute little knots and the tiny guys in fishing boats.

We visited Spousal Unit's family in Chicagoland for Father's Day.

Everyone who's ever met Spousal Unit's dad says, "Oh. So that's where he gets it from." So true. (In a good way, of course.)

Last night, we went to the Brewer's game with some friends.

It was Stitch n Pitch night  a designated night for knitters and crocheters to enjoy each other's company, peruse craft booths, and heckle the opposing team. I love this idea. Also, I finished almost an entire quilt square during the mere six innings we saw in three hours  lots of walks, though we also saw Ramirez's bases-loaded home run.

And lastly, the wee roblets flew the nest this weekend. I wanted to get a picture of the empty nest, but the neighbors took it down before I could get to it. Totally don’t blame them – if my side of the porch was covered with that much poo, I’d clean it as quickly as I could, too.

P.S. I've been friended by some people I don't know on Facebook, which made me confused. Then Spousal Unit said, "They probably read your blog." He is smart. So I made a Deviant Dispatches Facebook page. Enjoy.


  1. Thought you might like to know that the knots are called frogs. Kinda fun huh?


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