25 Things Before 30

Holy carp. I'm going to turn 30 on my next birthday. Which means I'm 29 right now. It seems odd, but I haven't directly thought about that until now.

Anyway. In the spirit of cutting myself some slack, I've decided some of my goals for this year need to be easier to achieve. Hopefully I'll get higher than a technically failing grade this year - I'd be satisfied with at least a D.

1. Pet a penguin (or at least have fun writing letters to zoos about why I should be allowed to).

2. Get three rejection letters for my novel.

3. Read at least 15 books during the year (my reading pace this year was pathetic, but that was due to the novel). Five should be from my to-read list on Goodreads, and one should be Isaac Asimov.

4. Read six books from six continents, plus something about Antarctica.

5. Make cannoli.

6. Make something Norwegian that I don't often make, like fruit soup or sandbakkels.

7. Make applesauce.

8. Get serious about house hunting about a year from now. If that doesn't end up being a possibility, then ... well, I'll find something to do instead.

9. Knit the mittens that a character in my book wears (blue, orange, and yellow, with green turtles).

10. Crochet some cool Christmas ornaments.

11. Yoga. Three times a week, minimum.

12. Hang out with my friend Liz. It has been too long.

13. Use that awesome red sock yarn that I got for my last birthday - probably on this.

14. Bake yeast-based bread more often (I make it about twice a year as is).

15. Use the crock pot a lot. (This will help make life less stressful.)

16. Visit the Vitense climbing wall.

17. Learn to do woodcarving/whittling.

18. Next summer, have more useful plants. Much of what I have now just sit there and are green.

19. Go camping.

20. Fix the sewing machine.

21. Get a working bike.

22. Take a yoga class.

23. Fix the chip in the car's windshield before November 15.

24. Meditate more than once every other month (not counting the sessions at work).

25. Remember those socks I started? FINISH THEM.


  1. This list is amazing. If and when you find a good Christmas ornament crochet pattern, please share it. I'd like to make some of those, too.

    1. Will do! I plan to blog about all of these. Although I'm already behind on fixing the windshield ... oh well. :D


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