Would You Like a Side of Links With Your Breakfast? Of Course You Would.

I'm a bit preoccupied today with my new case of holy-crap-this-is-obnoxious back pain (a.k.a. pinched nerve again), so instead of writing a normal post, I'm going to share other people's creativity with you. Enjoy, and I hope these things give you lots of ideas. But I hope they don't land you in jail. Because if you combine some of these, they totally could.

Jenny the Bloggess bought a wolf pelt to wear. To the new Twilight movie. I hope she claimed at least once that it was Jacob.

An adorable video of a blind kitten playing with toys, yoinked from my friend Finnley's blog.

...Followed by my favorite reptile store ever. Reptile Rapture is the pet shop equivalent of a hole-in-the-wall greasy burger joint. They're right next to a bar (and a tattoo parlor, I think), which I think must have led to some bad decisions in the past. Also, there's a buy one, get one free coupon for them in the Bucky Book, Madison's source for all things discounted. Yes, the coupon is for a free reptile.

A vegan gumbo recipe I used a while ago. It's good stuff, especially when it starts to get chilly out, as it is doing now.

Speaking of getting chilly, time to promote one of my favorite seasonal sites: Snowdays, hosted by Popular Front. You can make a virtual snowflake, which you can then e-mail to anyone, or just attach a happy message for someone to stumble across. They donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation last year, and I imagine they'll pick another charity this year. Plus, their disclaimer at the bottom of the page says they're not responsible for the ideas shared via snowflake, "unless they're really witty, exceptionally charming, and universally liked."


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