Would You Like a Side of Links With Your Breakfast? Of Course You Would.
I'm a bit preoccupied today with my new case of holy-crap-this-is-obnoxious back pain (a.k.a. pinched nerve again ), so instead of writing a normal post, I'm going to share other people's creativity with you. Enjoy, and I hope these things give you lots of ideas. But I hope they don't land you in jail. Because if you combine some of these, they totally could. Jenny the Bloggess bought a wolf pelt to wear. To the new Twilight movie. I hope she claimed at least once that it was Jacob. An adorable video of a blind kitten playing with toys, yoinked from my friend Finnley's blog. ...Followed by my favorite reptile store ever. Reptile Rapture is the pet shop equivalent of a hole-in-the-wall greasy burger joint. They're right next to a bar (and a tattoo parlor, I think), which I think must have led to some bad decisions in the past. Also, there's a buy one, get one free coupon for them in the Bucky Book, Madison's source for all things discounted. Yes, the coup...