A New Holiday is Born - in Ice Cream

Yesterday, a Dairy Queen opened on our route home. For their grand opening, they were having half-price cakes.

Spousal Unit and I were thrilled to see this on their obnoxiously flashing billboard. We immediately decided we needed a holiday to celebrate - and, of course, didn't end up deciding until we were there the next day to pick up the cake.

Our choice of celebration would determine what color we chose and what we had written on the cake. Spousal Unit abhorred the idea of Blue Spirit Day, since we already had Avatar Day. (Shame on him - the Blue Spirit rocks.)

"Maybe we could have Firefly Day," I suggested. "We could get a yellow cake and have 'Shiny' written on it. Or we could get an orange one and have something about a very fine hat put on it."

Spousal Unit wasn't fond of those ideas. "So our options so far are Firefly, Star Wars, and Star Trek."

"Star Wars already has a holiday - May the Fourth," I pointed out. (I forgot at the time that Star Trek also has a holiday or three.)

"Star Trek it is, then," he declared.

And so Captains' Day was born.

Captains' Day is not to be confused with Captain Picard Day, First Contact Day, or Anniversary Day. No, Captains' Day is a day to celebrate all the great Star Trek captains, ideally by watching episodes from each series that feature the captain doing something awesome. (Yes, it may include Generations if you wish, though I don't.)

For your own celebration, here is the first of seven segments from the Captains' Summit. Engage.


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